Download Kosmorro on Linux

Arch Linux

Kosmorro is available on the AUR! To install it, use your favorite AUR helper:

yay kosmorro

Other Linux distributions

If you don't use Arch (btw), you can install Kosmorro with PIP: install Python 3 and PIP package manager, then use PIP to install Kosmorro.

For instance, on Debian:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install --user kosmorro

# Run the application:

Note: if you get a "command not found" error when you try to run the kosmorro command, check that the $HOME/.local/bin is in your $PATH. This folder is a standard place to install applications locally, so this may be useful for many other apps.

If you want to generate a PDF file, you might want to look at its dedicated documentation too.

You might also want to read the manpage to know how to use Kosmorro's command line program.