Kosmorrolib A library to compute your ephemerides

Kosmorrolib is the Python library internally used in Kosmorro. It provides easy-to-use functions for your calculation needs.

The library is built on Skyfield, an excellent library designed to compute "positions for the stars, planets, and satellites in orbit around the Earth".

Install the library

Kosmorrolib is currently available in the version 1.0.10 and needs Python 3.8+ to work.

The library is available on PyPI, so you can install it directly with PIP:

pip install kosmorrolib

Note that Kosmorrolib follows the Semantic versionning v2 specification.

Update the library

Updating the Kosmorrolib to the latest version is as simple as running the following command:

pip update kosmorrolib

Before updating, you may want to check the changelog to know what changed since the previous version.


The documentation of the library is available just here.