Build Kosmorro from its sources code

Building from the sources require:

  • Git
  • the make command
  • Python 3
  • PIP3
  • the following Python packages:
    • wheel (needed to create the Python installable package)
    • Babel (to compile the translations)

All the sources are available on GitHub. If you prefer to build it from sources, clone the repository and check the tag of your choice out. Then compile the translations and the final package with the i18n and build recipes from the Makefile:

git clone && cd kosmorro
git checkout vx.y.z # replace "x.y.z" with the version
make i18n build

Looking to start contributing?

Kosmorro is a free (as in freedom) software, anyone can contribute to enhance Kosmorro.

Read the contribution guide on GitHub to get started!